Infrastructure & Laboratories

Civil department consists of different laboratories listed below.

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Engineering Geology Lab

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Engineering Geology Lab

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Fluid Mechanics lab

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Fluid Mechanics lab

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Fluid Mechanics lab

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Fluid Mechanics lab

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Geotech Lab

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Geotech Lab

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Geotech Lab

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Structural Mechanic Lab

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Surveying Lab

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Surveying Lab

Laboratories Cost

Basic Civil Engineering / Applied Mechanics Lab

The lab involves study of basic equipment's of applied mechanics and basic civil engineering such as study of chain, compass, dumpy level with their filed application.

Total Investment : 2.45 Lac

Fluid Mechanics Lab

The lab gives clear visual appreciation of the principles of fluid mechanics is the objective of our designs combined with instrumentation which allows a full range of experimental work to be completed.

Total Investment : 14.75 Lac

Structural Engineering Lab

The student will be able to "see" and "feel" the properties and behaviors of materials under tension, bending, torsion and buckling. A computerized universal testing machine is available for tensile and hardening experiments, with corresponding graphical software.

Total Investment : 16.85 Lac

Geotechnical Engineering Lab

The lab involves study of earth materials in the context of engineering investigation, design and construction. Available testing equipment ranges from standard devices and soils laboratory infrastructure to state-of-the-art soil and aggregate testing systems.

Total Investment : 5.00 Lac

Surveying Lab

The lab provides practical work on.The Surveying Laboratory enables students to understand the basic principles of surveying by conducting field exercises using surveying equipment such as Electronic Total Station (Accuracy 5 sec), Vernier Transit Theodolite (Accuracy 20 sec), Quick setting Dumpy Level, level etc.

Total Investment : 5.75 Lac

Engineering Geology Lab

The laboratory portion of this course will introduce you to some basic geologic principles, starting off with basic identification of geologic materials, map use and deformation of rock analogs. Then we will head outdoors to explore geologic and geophysical mapping techniques; and illustrate environmental, geologic and engineering topics through visits to local field sites.

Total Investment : 1.75 Lac

Environmental Engineering Lab

The primary objective of this lab is to demonstrate environmental engineering testing procedures. Students contribute through water testing procedures to build a pollution database of the nearby rivers. A three meters high settling column is available for wastewater analysis. Other equipment includes BOD Incubator Chamber, COD Digestion Apparatus.

Total Investment : 4.00 Lac

Concrete Technology Lab

Students are actively involved in studying the behavior of concrete through designing and testing concrete mixes. Concrete is tested for consistency while fresh and for strength after curing and hardening. A 3000KN Digital Compression testing Machine, Permeability Test Apparatus, Digital Accelerated Curing Tank, Flexural beam testing machine, Humidity Chamber Heating Type available.

Total Investment : 10.55 Lac

Transportation Engineering Lab

The students will be able to design, mix, compact and test asphalt mixtures. Ho-mix asphalt is analyzed using Marshall Test and the bitumen binder is graded by penetration. Aggregates are tested for abrasion with a Los Angeles machine, and evaluated according to their sand equivalent value and California bearing ratio. Extraction of bitumen is also available for field control testing.

Total Investment : 5.25 Lac