Civil Engineering


About Us

The Civil Engineering Department at Sanjay Ghodawat Universityis dedicated to providing a solid foundation in civil engineering concepts, preparing students for successful careers in this pivotal field. With a comprehensive blend of theoretical and practical learning, the department focuses on creating engineers who can design, build, and maintain the infrastructure that drives society forward.

Our department boasts a distinguished faculty with vast experience in various specializations of civil engineering, such as structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, transportation engineering, environmental engineering, and construction management. We emphasize research and innovation, encouraging students to contribute to solving real-world problems through sustainable and efficient solutions.

State-of-the-art laboratories, well-equipped with modern tools and technologies, allow students to gain hands-on experience and stay abreast of the latest industry trends. The curriculum is designed to not only impart technical knowledge but also foster essential skills such as critical thinking, leadership, and project management, ensuring that our graduates are well-rounded professionals.

B. Tech Civil Engineering

Duration - 4 Years

Intake - 30

M. Tech Structural Engineering

Duration - 2 Years

Intake - 24

M. Tech Construction Engineering and Management

Duration - 2 Years

Intake - 12

Ph. D in Civil Engineering

  • Facilities - 15 Laboratories are fully equipped with high precision Equipment such as Non-destructive testing(NDT), Servo Shake table, etc. and Software like HIT- Office, SAP-2000, E-Tabs, ABAQUS, FEAST. Etc
  • Active Learning Tools - Department Promoting Active Learning by use of NPTEL, Massive open online course (MOOC), Information and communication technology (ICT), Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (MOODLE)
  • Departmental Library - Departmental library contains 200 plus reference books, IS code softcopies, e-Journal like ACI Structural Journal, ACI Materials Journal, Indian Concrete Journal Concrete International, Science Direct Online subscription

  • The choice-based credit system.
  • Research and development activities in identified trust.
  • Mentoring and Continous counseling at a personal level
  • BE Civil Engineering (Presently known as B. Tech Civil Engineering)has valid Accredited by NBA, New Delhi.
  • Seed money funding for student projects
  • Outreach societal programs
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Centre (IEDC)
  • Outcome-based education
  • Women Empowerment activities
  • Feedback and Reward system
  • Course Structure (Major) -B. Tech Honors is an award for the interested student after gaining extra 16 marks credit in verticals like Geotechnical and Structural Engineering, Infrastructure and Construction Management, Environmental and Water Resources Engineering. (Minor)- Introduction to AutoCAD drawing for Domestic and Commercial Circuit design and Electrification for Electrical students
  • The N.S.S. Cell organised Swachh Bharat camp, awareness lectures on the various social issue, blood donation camp, etc. Activities like tree Plantation, community activities are organised under Environment Club, Natures Club for 10 villages adopted by SGU. Also, the department taking active Participation in Unnat Bharat, an initiative taken by AICTE

  • Sustainable Concrete
  • Performance-Based Earthquake Resistant Design
  • Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering


To provide quality education in civil engineering and management skill that enables students to improve sustainable social life


  • To provide students with a quality education in civil engineering that prepares them for professional practice with values and ethics in order to address future technical and social challenges.
  • To established a center of excellence in civil engineering and associated research.
  • To provide consultancy services to the community in all areas of civil engineering.
  • Fostering innovative and creative thinking in the minds of budding engineers to address sustainable development and entrepreneurship challenges.


Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

The graduates who choose to practice in civil engineering should :

  • PEO1 : Graduates will be actively engaged in a professional career as a civil engineer or pursuing advanced study.
  • PEO2 : Graduates will be analyse and design Civil engineering systems with social awareness and responsibility.
  • PEO3 : Graduates will be exhibit professionalism, ethical approach, communication skills, teamwork in their profession and adapt through lifelong learning to modern trends

Program Outcomes (POs)

Civil Engineering graduates from the department will have the ability to :

  • PO1 : apply basic knowledge of science, mathematics and engineering to solve complex Civil Engineering problems
  • PO2 : analysis of complex problems in Civil Engineering to find adequate solutions using science and engineering fundamentals
  • PO3 : develop and design safe and environmentally friendly systems and components to meet specific requirements.
  • PO4 : function effectively on interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary teams to accomplish a common goal
  • PO5 : select and apply appropriate techniques and state of the art tools for accomplishing complex Civil Engineering activities
  • PO6 : an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility while discharging Civil Engineering related works
  • PO7 : comprehend and communicate effectively complex Civil Engineering activities through presentations and reports.
  • PO8 : an acquire broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental and societal context
  • PO9 : engage in independent and lifelong learning in the context of rapid technological changes
  • PO10 : knowledge of contemporary issues and environmental impact in civil engineering practice
  • PO11 : use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for civil engineering practice

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

The students should be able to acquire the following outcomes by fulfilling the objectives (PSOs) after successful completion of the courses :

  • PSO1 : an understanding of civil engineering and management principles and apply these relevant to your organization
  • PSO2 : an apply fundamental computational methods and elementary analytical techniques in sub-disciplines related to civil engineering
  • PSO3 : perform economic analyses and cost estimates related to design, construction, operations and maintenance of systems associated with civil engineering

We have classified the above outcomes into three groups :

Technical skills: 1, 2, 3, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15;
Professional skills: 4, 7, 9;
Societal issues: 6, 8, 10.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

The graduates who choose to practice in civil engineering should :

  • PEO1 : apply systems, methods, procedures, modern tools and techniques in construction projects.
  • PEO2 : industry leaders who implement the best engineering and management practices and technologies in the construction industry.
  • PEO3 : continually work with industry to enhance the program's effectiveness and the opportunities for innovation in the construction industry.

Program Outcomes (POs)

The students should be able to acquire the following outcomes by fulfilling the objectives (POs) after successful completion of the courses :

  • PO1 : an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering to solve construction management problems
  • PO2 : an ability to design and conduct field and laboratory experiments and interpret data in construction industry
  • PO3 : an ability to design a system to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, safety and sustainability in construction industry
  • PO4 : an ability to function effectively on interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary teams to accomplish a common goal in construction industry
  • PO5 : an ability to identify, formulate and solve construction management problems
  • PO6 : an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility while working in construction industry
  • PO7 : an ability to communicate well orally and in writing with engineers as well as with those outside of the construction field
  • PO8 : an acquire broad education necessary to understand the impact of construction material in a global, economic, environmental and societal context
  • PO9 : an ability to engage in life-long learning to update the knowledge in construction materials and management
  • PO10 : an knowledge of contemporary issues and environmental impact in construction materials and management
  • PO11 : an ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for construction management

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

The students should be able to acquire the following outcomes by fulfilling the objectives (PSOs) after successful completion of the courses :

  • PSO1 : use the knowledge of GIS in construction engineering and disaster management
  • PSO2 : apply the knowledge of sustainability in civil engineering structures going to be used in the development of smart cities in near future
  • PSO3 : apply the knowledge of repair, rehabilitation and retrofitting of buildings

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

The graduates who choose to practice in civil engineering should :

  • PEO1 : be expose the graduate students to advanced Structural Analysis, Structural Dynamics, allied theory in elasticity and plasticity, FEM etc
  • PEO2 : be expose the graduate students to latest design codes, current national and international scenario on Structural Engineering and to motivate them in interdisciplinary involvement in problems related to Structural Engineering.
  • PEO3 : be orient the graduate students to high value research related to Structural Engineering so that they get impetus to pursue research and lifelong learning.

Program Outcomes (POs)

The students should be able to acquire the following outcomes by fulfilling the objectives (POs) after successful completion of the courses :

  • PO1 : demonstrate in-depth knowledge of Structural Engineering discipline and build capability to apply that knowledge to real problems.
  • PO2 : Program graduates will gain knowledge and skill in integrating Structural engineering concepts across multiple disciplines.
  • PO3 : ability to employ technical knowledge and leadership skills to Structural Engineering research and consultancy problems.
  • PO4 : demonstrate the ability to carry out original and useful research in key areas of Structural Engineering.
  • PO5 : identify and analyze the impact of Structural Engineering in development project and find a suitable solution from number of alternatives.
  • PO6 : develop skills to communicate technical values of Structural Engineering research with the public, learners, practitioners and other community members of concern.
  • PO7 : develop confidence in Structural analysis and management with high ethical value towards social, environmental and economic issues.
  • PO8 : develop enthusiasm and confidence to pursue lifelong learning for professional advancement.
  • PO9 : develop the spirit of working in team for common objectives.
  • PO10 : develop interest to pursue higher studies and research.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

The students should be able to acquire the following outcomes by fulfilling the objectives (PSOs) after successful completion of the courses :

  • PSO1 : use the application software in structural engineering and disaster management
  • PSO2 : ability of critical thinking based on in-depth knowledge in structural engineering to obtain optimal solutions to the complex engineering problems.
  • PSO3 : Apply knowledge of materials and analysis for design of RCC, steel and masonry structure.
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