The current trend of the developments in industry is influenced by phenomena like Internet of things, Cloud Computing and simulation of systems. The Manufacturing industry is also witnessing sea changes through the digital revolution marked as Industry 4.0. The M.Tech. program in Mechanical Engineering is designed with specialization in Digital Manufacturing to train the engineers to take up higher challenges in the industry.
The students will be ready to work in Mechanical Industry, designing firms, System Design consultancy firms as well as Government undertakings. The students will be provided one year internship in the industry during second year during which they will carry out their dissertation work. The industries can absorb such students based on their performance.
Design & Analysis of Experiments and Research Methodology
Manufacturing Execution Systems
Manufacturing System Design
Modeling & Simulation of Manufacturing Systems
Additive Manufacturing Technology & Management
Industrial Internet of Things
Automation & Robotics
Flexible Manufacturing System Lab
Analysis and Simulation Lab
Network Manufacturing
Computer Aided Fixture & Tool Design
Facility & Layout Planning
Reconfigurable Manufacturing System
Simulation of Manufacturing Processes
Flexible Assembly System