POs (Program Objectives)

  • PO1 - The graduates will be able to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering in the field of electronics and communication engineering to solve complex engineering problems.
  • PO2 - The graduates will demonstrate an ability to identify, formulate and solve problems in electronics and communication engineering domain.
  • PO3 - The graduates will demonstrate an ability to design a system component or algorithms to meet the desired needs and within the context of electronics and communication engineering with appropriate safety, societal and environmental considerations.
  • PO4 - The graduates will demonstrate an ability to design electronic circuits, perform experiments, analyse and interpret the results to arrive at valid conclusion.
  • PO5 - The graduates will be able to use modern engineering tools, equipment's and software to analyse and solve problems.
  • PO6 - The graduates will show the understanding of impact of engineering solutions on the society and also will be aware of contemporary issues.
  • PO7 - The graduates will have an ability to understand the impact of engineering solutions in the environmental context.
  • PO8 - The graduates will have sense of professional and ethical responsibilities.
  • PO9 - The graduates will demonstrate an ability to work as a team in laboratories and contribute in multidisciplinary tasks.
  • PO10 - The graduates will be able to communicate effectively about their domain in both verbal and written form.
  • PO11 - The graduates will demonstrate the ability to apply the principles of management and finance to the multidisciplinary projects as an individual or as a member of the project team.
  • PO12 - The graduates will develop confidence for self-education and ability for lifelong learning in ever changing field of electronics and communication engineering.

PEOs (Program Education Objectives)

  • PEO1 - To provide students of electronics & communication engineering with a solid foundation in basic science, mathematics and electronics to be successful professionals.
  • PEO2 - To prepare the students to pursue their career and also higher education in electronics & communication engineering areas such as circuit analysis and design, communication, signal processing, robotics, VLSI & Embedded Systems.
  • PEO3 - To provide in depth knowledge and demonstrations in the core areas of electronics & communication engineering so that they will be able to analyse, synthesize and design circuits and systems, in addition to the exposure on latest advancements in this field.
  • PEO4 - To inculcate professional and ethical attitude, effective communication skills, teamwork and multidisciplinary approach and an ability to relate the engineering issues in broader social context.
  • PEO5 - To create attitude for lifelong learning, required for successful professional career through conducive academic environment by exposure to modern tools and techniques.

PSOs (Program Specific Outcomes)

  • PSO1 - Graduates will demonstrate skills to prototype and Implement the Project idea.