The Entrepreneurial Odyssey is a dynamic four-day national-level festival where startups from across India will pitch their business ideas to venture capitalists, aiming for investment opportunities. Scheduled from March 17th to March 20th, 2025, this festival will include a range of engaging and exploratory events held throughout the campus.
The Student Association of CSE (ACSES) proposing to organize a Two day's technical festival 'Technophilia' was organized on 28th January, 2025 to 29th January, 2025 under ACSES and CSI committee.
Various events like Techno Hunt, Technical quiz, Tech Rubic's Cube, Think Along, Human Ludo, Technical Dare Dart, Code passing and Relay, LAN Gaming, Tech Antakshari, Algorithm Challenge, Debugging Challenge, VR Gaming Meta Quest, Treasure Hunt for Faculties etc. are organized at Technophilia. All the students can part in these events.